3 Reasons You Should Use Sand or Gravel on Your Asphalt or Concrete
21 February 2019
There is a wide range of abrasives and deicing products available on the market to keep asphalt and slippery sidewalks safe during winter. For outdoor stair treads or after freezing rain, you will need to choose the one that will make the surface as safe as possible.
So why you should use sand or gravel on your asphalt ? Good question, economic ? Effective ? here 3 reasons to keep your asphalt safe with sand or gravel.
For a good adhesion, there is nothing better than sand and gravel.
Sand and gravel provide better traction on sidewalks and asphalt that may freeze during cold weather. Unlike deicing products, they do not melt the ice, but allow you to walk safely on the surface. The grains of sand and small stones prevent falls and a simple cleaning in the spring will be enough.
“While salt or sodium chloride is a commonly used method, people are unaware of the consequences it can have on your asphalt.”
Indeed, spreading salt regularly increases the risk of cracks because it is a corrosive compound. It can even damage your car and other structures such as masonry.
Note: Salt can irritate your children’s skin and can even cause complications to your pets. Salt is very corrosive and it can damage the paws of your cats and your dogs. But also make them sick if they would ever lick the salt on their paws. This can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and ulcers.
Environmental friendly
In addition to damaging your asphalt and concrete, salt can damage your lawn and flower beds. Also, when snow melts, salt has the unfortunate tendency to infiltrate the groundwater table and, as a result, pollute water sources such as lakes and rivers and wells.
This is not only harmful to your lawn, but also to the biodiversity of watercourses, trees and even drinking water. Sand and gravel then become an affordable, efficient and environmentally friendly solution. And if you want to learn more about cracks in concrete, follow the guide !
Gravel and sand bags are generally sold for around $3 for a 20kg bag. This is a much more economical option than a chemical deicer, which will certainly cost you around $15 for the same amount. You can easily find them in most building material stores.